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Warfare Museum

The Special Warfare Museum provided members of the Special
Forces community and others a collection of exhibitions about
Special Forces, Psychological Operations, and Civil Affairs
history. It has been located on Fort Bragg, North Carolina for
several decades.
Access to Museum. Hours are 1100 – 1600 Monday through Friday. Closed federal holidays except Memorial
Day, 4th of July, Labor Day and Veteran’s Day. Admission is free.
(info on hours of operation current as of Sep 2023)
JFK Special Warfare Museum Website
JFK Special Warfare Museum Facebook
(910) 432-4272
D-2815 Ardennes Street
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Access to Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg).
If you do not have a valid DOD or VA ID, you can access Fort
Liberty through the
Visitor's Center at the All-American Freeway
access point. They are open from 0530 to 2100 hours. You must
show a valid driver's license, vehicle registration, and proof
of insurance. The process is relatively fast except on days
where there are major events such as the 4th of July.
Museum Gift Shop. Although the gift shop was closed in the summer of 2020, it has been reopened. Operated by the
Special Forces Association Legacy Initiative, Inc., souvenirs of the three regiments can be purchased either in person or on line
at sfali.org/shop/. Hours are 1100 – 1600 Monday through Friday. Closed
federal holidays except Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day and Veteran’s Day.
Do not use the old JFK Museum Association gift shop link at
https://www.jfkwebstore.com/store/ (this
site is
no longer active).
Special Warfare Museum Foundation.
This organization became operational in 2023. Its mission is to
serve as the principal 501(c)(3) fund raising entity in support
of the JFK Special Warfare Museum and its future.
Features of the Museum. The museum houses artifacts from World War I to the present
conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. It was
established in 1963 by BG William P. Yarborough. Some of the
collections include weapons used by the Office of Strategic
Services (OSS) during World War II. There are several displays
of ethnographic materials from Southeast Asia that relate to the
Vietnam War.
Displays and exhibits feature the First Special Service
Force, the OSS, Detachment 101 in World War II, the Korean
conflict, as well as more recent actions in Operations Desert
Storm, Enduring Freedom, and Iraqi Freedom. The museum helps to
preserve the history of the unique and specialized part played
by the various units of the Army's special warfare community
during conflict and peacetime. The history of unconventional
warfare spans more than 250 years - dating back to the French
and Indian War and Rogers Rangers.
The museum is a favorite destination for former and retired
Green Berets, current members of the Special Forces community,
and those seeking to explore career opportunities in Special
Forces, Psychological Operations, and Civil Affairs.
In the summer of 2017 the museum moved from its location in
Building D-2502 on the corner of Marion Street and Ardennes
Street to Building D-2815 located on the corner of Ardennes and
Zabitosky Streets just across the street from the JFK Chapel.
In the last few years the Special Warfare Center and School
at Fort Bragg has been in the midst of a huge building project -
mainly along Ardennes Street. This new "campus" is updating the
school facilities and classrooms for the students in the special
warfare community. The Special Warfare Museum was rumored to
have a facility designated within the footprint of this new
campus - but it never came to pass.
Yarborough Knife. The museum gift shop used
to offer the Yarborough knife; however, that is now an offering
of the Special Forces Association as well. The link to order and
upload your documents is:
Yarborough Knife Application - Special Forces Association
US Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Museum
(no longer active)
The association was a non-profit organization. It was established
to provide an opportunity for all people, military and civilian,
to create and maintain a memorial or memorials of and aid in the
preservation of history and traditions of Special Warfare units,
past and present. The association was organized exclusively for
historical, charitable, and educational purposes. It qualified
as a tax exempt organization under Section 501(c) (3) of the
Internal Revenue Code of Law. Membership in the association was open to all military and
civilians. There were several categories of membership and donor
contributors. The association was administered by volunteers
consisting of an Executive Board and a fifteen-member Advisory
Council. This association was shut down in January 2020.
(link no longer active)
Museum Gift Shop.
For many years the museum operated a Gift Shop. It was managed by a Gift Shop Manager with a small
staff. The gift shop worked with the Museum Association Secretary and
Treasurer. The Gift Shop's purpose was to support the US Army JFK
Special Warfare Museum while providing various souvenirs
throughout the Special Operations community. The Gift Shop
operated as a non-profit organization.
(link no longer active)
The gift shop function has been assumed by the Special Forces
Association located on Doc Bennet Road, Fayetteville (near the
airport). Articles can be purchased online on the Special Forces
Association website.
Closing of the Special Warfare Museum in 2020
'Closed for Inventory'. The closure of the
museum by USASOC was seen by many SF veterans as a 'behind the
scenes' move with very little transparency. The first indication
that something was amiss was the closure of the museum in
December 2019 to 'conduct inventory'. USASOC indicated that the
museum would reopen by the end of February 2020 - never
Museum Given New Name. Then in January 2020
USASOC press release announced a name change -
with the new name of "ARSOF
Museum". The 'new' museum would incorporate the history of the
Ranger Regiment and the 160th Special Operations Aviation
Regiment. Special Forces veterans were dismayed with this news -
it appeared that the emphasis on SF in the museum would be lost
- and many SF related exhibits would be put into boxes to make
way for other newer exhibits relating to the Ranger Regiment
(Fort Benning) and 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment
(Fort Campbell).
Museum Facility Closed. Subsequent
press releases provided more news - that the new ARSOF museum
would be a 'virtual experience'. Some artifacts would be
displayed for short periods of time at ARSOF units all across
the country. The 'brick and mortar' museum would be closed.
SF Community Response. The response from the
SF community was immediate. SF social media was set ablaze with
comments about the Special Warfare Museum closing.
articles were published (see below) questioning the motive and
reasoning for the closure of the museum.
Petition to Save the Museum. An online
petition was established to save the museum by Dr. Josee Bourget
- the widow of a Special Forces soldier who died in Africa
during a deployment. She had donated numerous articles belonging
to her husband to the Special Warfare Museum. A big concern of
hers (and many others) was what would become of these articles
and if she could ever get them back.
Keep the JFK Special Warfare Museum Open
Fall 2020 Status. Eventually USASOC
'saw the light' and revisited the museum issue. An external
'advisory committee' was established to study the issue and
report back to the USASOC commander -
LTG Fran Beaudette - with possible courses of action (COAs)
in late summer 2020.
LTG Beaudette on SF History. USASOC
acknowledged the huge negative response by the SF community to the
closure of the museum. In an August 2020 address by LTG
Beaudette to the membership of the Special Forces Association
during their annual (virtual) convention he stated [1]:
"We heard your voice loud and clear on the museum. Thanks for
keeping us honest".
LTG Beaudette continued with the following statement:
"Eventually, today's Green
Berets will transition on. Their legacy of self-service to the
nation, just like yours, must be captured and preserved. We
honor their history by faithfully telling the story of our
regiment and its soldiers. The way people interact with history
is evolving and so must we. Our history should preserve our past
but also inspire future generations towards the opportunities
that Army Special Operations has to offer. We will make sure
these stories are told to future generations. Our regiment, our
soldiers, and our families deserve it."
Museum Reopens. The JFK Special Warfare
Museum reopened in 2021.
JFK Museum Gift Shop. For years current and
former members of Special Forces were able to buy swag at the SF
Gift Shop located on Ardennes Street on Fort Bragg, NC.
Apparently the US Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Museum
Association's gift shop was closed by the USASOC History Office
with little notice to the museum association or to the manager
of the gift shop. The Gift Store (as of August 2020) is being
operated from the Special Forces Association national
headquarters on 4990 Doc Bennett Road, Fayetteville, NC. Swag,
Yarborough knives, and other mechandise can be
online from the SFA gift shop.
Websites about the Special Warfare Museum
JFK Special Warfare Museum
John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Museum
U.S. Army Center of Military History
John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Museum
United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC)
JFK Special Warfare Museum Facebook
JFK Special Warfare Museum (not the official FB account)
JFK Museum Gift Shop
(link no longer active)
Army Museum Enteprise, U.S. Army Center of Military History
Airborne and Special Operations Museum
Fayetteville, North Carolina
U.S. Army Airborne & Special Operations Museum
News Articles about the Special Warfare Museum
June 17, 2020.
"Military Widow: Sign the petition to save the JFK Special
Warfare Museum", by Dr. Josee Bourget, Fayetteville
May 9, 2020.
"Army Special Operations Command Closes Museum and Stirs
Controversy", by Steve Balestrieri, SOFREP.
May 6, 2020.
"USASOC Closes Special Warfare Museum on FBNC", SOF
March 6, 2020.
"Renovation of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare
Museum", USASOC.
April 24, 2020.
"ARSOF History: Embracing the Future", USASOC Public
Affairs Office.
January 25, 2020.
"Army Special Operations Forces Museum", SOF News.
January 24, 2020.
"U.S. Army JFK Special Warfare Museum becomes Army Special
Operations Forces Museum", USASOC Public Affairs Office.
July 2006.
"Hidden Treasures of the JFK Special Warfare Museum", by
Robert Bruce, Small Arms Review.
[1] LTG Beaudette's 'loud and clear' comment is made at the
7:00 minute mark of this video. His comment honoring Special
Forces history begins at the 14:20 minute mark of the video.
USASOC Commanding General Comments to Special Forces
Association, YouTube.com, August 22, 2020.
Top Image: The original Special Warfare Museum on Ardennes
Street, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.